Thank you for visiting our website. We would be delighted if you with us our activities as much as almost sixty years have passed since 1961!

Koteki Band Form Baton

In 1961, three years before the first Olympic Games in Asia, "From a single whistle, music for all! The Koteki Band was founded with this goal in mind.

Many people from fields other than education and music have supported the development of young people through musical activities. Generous support was given to the establishment of the Foundation and could solve the difficult task of of providing every child with their own instrument.

In drumming, fife playing and baton twirling, in addition to the joy of making music, we have tried to value human relationships and to train our minds and bodies.

We want to share our open and honest spirit with more people through live performances and parades. Since then, our activities have expanded into many areas, including national events at home and abroad, official sports and television appearances.

On 24 August 2004, the Koteki Band was officially recognised by the non-profit organisation "Zen Nihon Koteki Band Form Baton Association".

Zen Nihon Koteki Band Form Baton Association